Tuesday, September 3, 2013

In Praise of Great Men...

My favorite poet Seamus Heaney died recently.  And the great Andrew M. Greeley (a rare voice of compassion and brave critic of predatory priests) died this year, too.

There’s no shame in being human when I can pick up a copy of Opened Ground or live vicariously through the fey Nuala Anne McGrail.

I grew up ashamed of where I came from, ashamed of this, ashamed of that.

As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I was utterly incapable of trusting anyone.  From the age of six or seven I was curious about the world of commercial sex.  It was a world I was constantly exposed to while other children hunted for Easter eggs or held hands with a guardian at Story Hour.  I can bemoan my unwholesome upbringing until the day I die but I won’t do that.  I’d rather write the kind of stories that appeal to me because they inhabit a unique place where no one is ever dehumanized, everyone gets laid and former sex workers find that special someone who understands them.